“Lessons from History: What Today’s Retailers Can Learn from the Marketing of The Wizard of Oz Stage Show in the 1900s”

Abstract: Despite the contributions of services marketing research to retailing—such as blueprinting, critical incidents, and service quality—some crucial issues related to the drivers of retail success have not yet been addressed. To address these gaps in the literature, this essay applies dramaturgy to retailing and also goes beyond the drama metaphor to examine a theater performance at the turn of the previous century that was immensely successful. The stage show is a good model for many types of retail encounters where “performance” is instrumental in short- and long-term success. The objective of this essay is to share how this classic stage show was carefully managed and marketed, with customers always in mind, and to provide insights into how retailers today can apply similar strategies and tactics for success and profitability.

Sole Author:   Pratibha A. Dabholkar  

(Email: pratibha@love-and-learning.info)


Source: Service Management: The New Paradigm in Retailing, 2012, Prentice Hall, Inc., 271-283.   

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