“The Role of Prior Behavior and Category-Based Affect in On-Site Service Encounters”

Abstract: With the growing availability of computerized service delivery systems in on-site service encounters, customers are increasingly able to perform services for themselves. The issues for practitioners are whether customers will view such options favorably and what would determine their attitudes. A causal model drawing on information processing research and services literature is developed to address these issues. The model is tested and the data are analyzed using LISREL7. A moderating effect of prior behavior is also hypothesized and is tested using a nested MANOVA and regression analysis. The findings support the hypothesized effects, contributing to theory development and providing implications for practitioners.

Sole Author:   Pratibha A. Dabholkar  

(Email: pratibha@love-and-learning.info)


Source: Diversity in Consumer Behavior, 1992, Provo, UT: Association for Consumer Research, Volume XIX, 563-569.

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